Gynaecomastia surgery addresses excess male breast tissue.
It generally occurs because all men have the female X chromosome and so there are minute amounts of female hormones produced all the time (Oestrogen and Progesterone). This is a condition in 3 phases of life – as a newborn, puberty and in senescence. The most common time for men to seek treatment is in the late teens or early 20’s. The textbooks say that this condition will resolve with time, however, this is not the case in clinical experience. The condition may be as mild as a small protrusion of the nipple to as severe as the presence of significant breast tissue. There are different operations designed for the differing severities of the condition. In principle there is an excess of 3 elements – those being glandular tissue, fat and skin.
For the mildest types, liposuction alone may suffice. However, as the severity increases generally you will need an additional excisional procedure of the gland tissue +/- skin. The scars vary but are usually placed at the junction of the normal chest skin and the lower areolar of the nipple. Your fully trained plastic surgeon will advise you which scar pattern will be best suited to your individual needs.
It is important to remember, any invasive procedure carries risks and individual results may vary depending on factors, not limited to but including age, genetics, diet, lifestyle and existing medical conditions. Before any surgery, we recommend you consult a qualified health practitioner who should discuss with you at length these risks including possible complications and recovery/aftercare instructions specific to your procedure. If unsure, always seek a second opinion from a specialist plastic surgeon.