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Call Horizon (03) 8560 2999



Breast shape and volume may change due to factors including but not limited to time, hormones, pregnancy, breast feeding or sometimes genetics. Women interested in adjusting the volume of their breasts may wish to discuss surgical options. Read more


It is important to appreciate that breasts, nipples and areolas are never exactly the same shape. Breast lift or Mastopexy is a surgical procedure that involves raising and reshaping the breast and is an option for women who, although satisfied with the size/volume of their breasts, may want them to be lifted higher. Read more


Breast reduction is an operation designed to address the concerns associated with large breasts or gigantomastia. Read more


Gynaecomastia surgery addresses excess male breast tissue.

It generally occurs because all men have the female X chromosome and so there are minute amounts of female hormones produced all the time (Oestrogen and Progesterone). This is a condition in 3 phases of life – as a newborn, puberty and in senescence. Read more