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Horizontal Breast Reduction

Horizontal Breast Reduction

A word on breast reduction scar patterns

The scarring from breast reduction surgery is a main patient focus.


In my practice a large percentage of patients are suitable for a Horizontal Breast Reduction. There are many different types of breast reduction scar patterns and this article will go through my personal thoughts regarding these patterns and what the priority should be. The traditional method of performing the operation included a scar which looks like an upside down anchor called a “Wise pattern”. This technique is commonly used today. The considerations include the greater burden of scar tissue, risk of wound breakdown at the T junction and a tendency for the breast to look bottom heavy with time.
The most common scar technique today in Australia is called the Hall Findlay vertical technique. It is otherwise referred to as the “Lollipop” technique as it has a circular scar around the areolar and a vertical scar straight down the breast such that is looks like a lollipop. The horizontal scar is avoided. The main advantage to this technique in my opinion is not the scar but the fact that the breast mound, that is left at the end of the operation, is in the upper part of the breast.

In select patients the scar can be very difficult to discern on the frontal view

Let’s take a look at the different areas of the scar and critically evaluate them. Most photos and views of the breast are seen from the front and so this discussion will focus on the frontal view. So if you are going to have a breast reduction the nipple needs to be moved from its current position to higher on the chest wall and this necessitates a scar around the areola. This cannot be avoided and the aim is to place the scar in a transition between the lighter skin of the chest wall and the pigmented coloured skin of the nipple and areola. The other scar which is visible from the front is the vertical scar.

A horizontal breast reduction aims to have a scar around the nipple and no vertical scar, as seen in the other techniques.

An innovative technique that aims to position scars around the areola and under the breast

Fortunately the author has modified and developed an innovative technique which does just this and can be used in select patients and is referred to as above, the Horizontal Breast Reduction.

This opinion piece was brought to you by Dr Damien Grinsell (AHPRA Registration: MED0001207555), Registered medication practitioner, specialist plastic surgeon (specialty registration in surgery – plastic surgery)

It is important to remember, any invasive procedure carries risks and individual results may vary depending on factors, not limited to but including age, genetics, diet, lifestyle and existing medical conditions. This is a true and accurate image. Outcomes shown are only relevant to this patient and do not necessarily reflect the results other patients may experience. Before any surgery, we recommend you consult a qualified health practitioner who should discuss with you at length these risks including possible complications and recovery/aftercare instructions specific to your procedure. If unsure, always seek a second opinion from a specialist plastic surgeon.

For more information or to answer any questions please feel free to call 03 85602999 or email enquiries@horizonplasticsurgery.com